


Experts in delivering a better car shipping experience

Experts in delivering a better car shipping experience.


We believe in delivering the best service door-to-door vehicle shipping. The factor that we will be looking forward to shipping a car will depend on the distance the vehicle is being shipped, hours of driving, and amount of vehicles.


The delivery will involve communication between the driver and the client before the pickup to schedule the next loading and unloading due to location and weather conditions. We assure the best and fastest delivery meanwhile we also make sure of our driver’s health since most of the time they work with situations that are out of their reach. Therefore, under weather conditions will manage the best scheduling time for both parties so this won’t affect the delivery process. If you want a safe and secure way to transport your vehicle, EZ Auto Transportation is here to help.

Open Trailer

Vehicles are transported on open trailers, exposing them to external elements such as weather, road debris, and dust. Also transport your vehicle in an open trailer is the standard and more affordable option.

Enclosed Trailer

Vehicles are transported in enclosed trailers, providing protection from external elements, including weather conditions and road debris. Preferred for high-value, Luxury, Classic, or Exotic vehicles. Typically, more expensive due to the added protection.